Mission Statement:
Kulshan Supported Employment’s goal is to assist people with developmental disabilities find and maintain appropriate, meaningful employment.
Scope of Services:
Kulshan Supported Employment provides vocational/job coaching services to adults with developmental disabilities. Our services are mainly provided in our community at various settings where our clients work. We also utilize our Kulshan office to meet with clients and other stakeholders at pre-arranged times. Our work hours are driven by when our clients work. There are no set office hours. We will set up times to meet with clients, family members, caregivers or other stakeholders when it works for those involved. Each client in our program has been referred to our agency through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) or the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). There is a cost for our services that is most commonly paid for directly through our contracts held with either DVR or DDA. We are also willing to provide services to adults with developmental disabilities that do not qualify for long term supports through DDA but would like those services. We negotiate a rate per month for private job coaching for clients who request these services. The average cost of services is roughly $400.00/month. There are no other fees that are associated with our services. Kulshan provides vocational services directly to the clients in our program. We offer Employment Planning Services, Job Development Services and Job Support Services. The services provided are individualized to what is needed by each client to be successful in their job or pursuit of a job. We are continually striving to make sure that each person is getting the appropriate level of support in order to be successful.